Don't Forget About These Less Well-Known Winter Pool Care Tips
We've written about how to prepare your pool for winter numerous times; today, we'd like to focus on some less frequently discussed tips for keeping your pool safe throughout the winter.
Clean pool tools and toys
With all of your focus on prepping the pool itself, it's easy to overlook prepping your pool accessories for the winter.
Your pool toys and accessories have likely been sitting outside - and poolside - for the last four or five months. Before you pack them away for the season, be sure to give them a thorough cleaning with a solution of bleach and water: you don't want to bring any of this year's dirt and grime into your pool come spring, after all. Before stashing them, be sure they are thoroughly dry so that they don’t get mildew-y while in storage.
Get rid of any leftover pool chemicals
Pool chemicals lose their potency — and therefore their ability to keep your pool free of bacteria and algae — quicker than you might expect. At the end of each season, you should get rid of any excess chemicals that weren't used.
Keep the cover clean throughout the winter and double check it's tight
You already know that a winter pool cover is a critical piece of your winter pool care plan. However, many people mistakenly believe that once they put it in place, their work is done for the winter.
Throughout the winter, you'll need to occasionally check to make sure the cover is still in good shape. It's possible that the cover has become loose — those Chicago winter winds have a way of doing that — and needs to be readjusted to make it snug. You'll also want to clean off any debris that has piled up on the cover. Too much weight on top could cause it to tear, so you should occasionally brush off any leaves, dirt, snow or other material that shouldn't be there.
Keep an eye on your pool as you get closer to Spring
Spring can take its sweet time showing up here in Chicago. Sometimes, though, we get lucky with warm weather arriving earlier than anticipated. It’s important to keep an eye on your pool water (remember — you should never completely drain your pool) as the temperatures start rising. Warm water breeds algae, and you may need to add some chemicals to your pool to help it stay bacteria-free until you officially open it for the season.
Have more questions about keeping your pool in good condition during the winter? Give us a call at 847-499-6040.